I began this blog to unload my emotions and connect with other women, and I have enjoyed that connection immensely. I am almost at 300 posts and cannot believe I have written that much in the few years that I have been doing this. The problem right now is that my heart isn't really here anymore, it's at my other blog, my adoption and infertility blog. I don't really dump all that stuff off here, and most of my readers over there are in the same boat. I've recently really become involved in the lives of the community I've created over there, and it feels good.
This blog has never really had a niche. I don't have a theme or a topic to post about all the time. And my life isn't interesting enough to write about without some kind of point of view. My friend Alison creates hilarious and sarcastic posts about her life, which she calls mundane, but I crack up over every day.
I don't have kids to post about yet. I'm not inspirational. I crafty, but I don't craft enough to post about it day after day. Plus, I have a job outside the home that wears me out day after day.
I just need to take a break. If you don't want to follow me over there, that's okay. If you don't want to read about my longing for a baby, and the struggles to get there, that's fine. If you do want to still keep up with me, the blog address is www.fromthestork.blogspot.com or click HERE.
Just so you know, I'll still post any major developments over here with regards to a baby and an adoption, so you can hear the news when it happens. I hope you're all okay with me taking a break, and aren't too upset. I don't think you will be, since I haven't posted much in the past month, and when I receive little comment.
Start Hacking Now: Lamps
3 days ago