Wednesday, June 3, 2009

oh, so much fun

One of the more ironic things about the whole adoption process and (and subsequent non-placement) is that Charlie bought me a present. A present that I have been wanting and drooling over and shopping for and wishing for and for which I have been saving up my pennies.

A new camera.

A Nikon DSLR. (I can almost hear the choir singing.)

It took me awhile to get around to using it, because it had tainted memory attached to it. It was supposed to be my Mommy Camera, but that is a whole other post. The other day I took it to school and shot pictures of the boys versus girls soccer match, and had so much fun. The camera has a sports setting, which is AWESOME. It allows me to take photos in rapid succession. And you know how with a regular digital camera, you have to push the shutter button almost three seconds before anything good happens, like you are some mind reader that can predict what will happen next? Don't have to worry about that anymore!

Exhibit A: this moment I captured.

This was during warm-ups and the goalie came out of the net to do something...I can't pretend I know the lingo for what he was doing. You should be impressed that I know he was the goalie. Enough said. I saw them about to hit and pressed the button. With a normal camera, I would have missed this moment, but I caught it at the right time and love that it almost defies gravity. The goalie ended up on his back.

I took it home, zoomed in and printed it out for the girl and her mom. They loved it! I loved it. I was so proud of me and my camera and how sharp everything turned out. I had so much fun testing it out and playing with the different settings. I do need a different lens if I want to get the pictures this close straight out of the camera.

Here's hoping the new camera will soon take pictures of a new baby.


Scrapper Mom said...

how exciting!!! i love using my sports setting for baseball. i get so many good shots that way. enjoy your camera.

Melissa Stover said...

i'm glad you're having fun with it. i hope you get to take pictures of a baby someday too.

K.I. said...

Very cool. Wish I had something like that. Trust me, when the day comes that you get to snap pictures of your baby (and you will, it will happen) that sports feature is going to come in really handy. I have about a zillion 'he was doing something cute when I pressed the button but then he looked away' pictures and I wish I'd had that sort of feature. Glad you're hanging in there. thinking of you. Love and hugs!

Alison said...

Yay for you new camera.
I have a totally a piece of junk camera that takes subpar pictures. One day I'll get a big girl camera like yours.
Enjoy it.
I can't wait until you have a baby to take pictures of!

Melissa said...

lovin the girl power in that shot! btw, i'm just now finding out your sad news, and i'm sooo sad for you all. i'll be praying for you as you learn how to grieve and deal with all of it.

Unknown said...

Great photos!
Here's to taking some baby photos soon.

Jamie said...

I love my camera for a lot of the same reasons. I love that I can capture great shots with ease and that I can snap them so quickly. I asked for my fancy Canon for my birthday one year, and my family couldn't understand why I needed such a big and fancy camera. Then they started playing with it. My sister soon grew tired of her slow 5 second picture taking Powershot. Next thing I knew, she was asking her husband for a camera like mine. Now she has the same camera, but one step up from mine. Then my dad decided to buy a fancy camera too, and bought a Nikon something or other. Can't believe what I started...