Tuesday, November 3, 2009

national adoption awareness month

So, November is National Adoption Awareness Month, and I think it's great that someone actually thought to make this a month to celebrate and get out there. I think most people know about adoption, but getting more women to choose adoption is the goal, I would think. Or, getting out the idea that adoption is a perfectly acceptable way of building a family and that the child who is adopted is just as normal as the next kid. There may be more issues to deal with as a family, but adopted kids know love and family just like you and I do.

Many of you know that my husband and I are in the process of trying to adopt a baby. And you know that we came close last May, with a birthmom who ultimately chose to parent her baby. And that it almost broke me in two. But here I am, back in the saddle, ready to try it again. Hoping it will come soon. Praying for God's timing and His blessing on our family.

Adoption is a gift. The gift of life and the gift of love. It's so much more, but at the bottom line it's all about love. A mother who chooses to let her child go, who loves the baby so much they want a better life for her than she can provide. It's amazing. Each time I read an adoption story, I get the chills. It touches so many.

I am linking this up to Emily's Tuesday's Unwrapped, because I want to celebrate the journey that I am on. I am asking for prayers and awareness. If you can help spread the love of adoption, or support an adoption agency in your town, please do so. If all you can do is pray for our adoption situation, I will welcome those prayers.
Our adoption blog is here, and our agency website (New Life Christian Adoptions) is here. And if you can, read the post on the adoption blog about advertising and make a suggestion.


Frizzy said...

Sissy, What a beautiful post you've written! Our church is celebrating Adoption month this Sunday. As an adoptive mother, I'm looking forward to seeing what this service/sermon will entail. Hugs to you all and prayers are continuing for you and other waiting families.

redeemed diva said...

I am so excited for the journey you are on. Thank you for sharing this with us today

emily freeman said...

What a great Tuesdays Unwrapped post. Thanks for sharing this, Sissy. I agree with Redeemed Diva above: it is certainly a journey you are on. Your story is being written even as we speak. Can't wait to see what happens next!