I am nervous.
I have never been one to deal well with uncertainty. I let it creep in and steal my joy, as my husband would say. Here we are about to embark on parenthood and I am worried. Worried about lots of things. Like whether the birthmom will change her mind. Whether the birthfather will ever sign off. Will I lose my job in all these budget cuts? Will the baby ever get here? Will she be ok?
I get freaked out and I can admit it.
Can you help me out and pray that I will feel peace. Perfect peace that will allow me to enjoy these last few weeks as a couple, before we are a family. Peace that she will come home and be our daughter.
Will you? Please?
Send me a word of encouragement to help me through these last two weeks (or longer, should she be late.) Light a candle. Say a prayer. Call me up and keep me occupied. If you live locally, then take me out and buy me dinner and talk about your family and life. Get me over the last hump.
I don't want to let fear take me over. I don't want to look back at the last weeks before her arrival and think about how stressed I was. I want to think about how I put her nursery together and how Charlie and I talked about names (no, we aren't sharing yet) and how we went yardsaling to find little things for her. I want to enjoy all that.
Help a girl out. Thanks.
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